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5.4 Overview

5.4.1 API endpoints

HTTP request Description
GET /access/organization/{organizationId}/anonymous/{exitTokens} Returns all the anonymous accesses in an organization registered of the user owning the exitTokens (exitTokens are separated by commas).
GET /access/place/{placeId}/anonymous/{exitTokens} Returns all the anonymous accesses in a place registered of the user owning the exitTokens (exitTokens are separated by commas).
GET /access/organization/{organizationId}/authenticated/{orgAuthServerIds} Returns all the authenticated accesses in an organization registered of one or more users (orgAuthServerIds are separated by commas).
GET /access/place/{placeId}/authenticated/{orgAuthServerIds} Returns all the authenticated accesses in a place registered of one or more users (orgAuthServerIds are separated by commas).
POST /administrator/bindadministrator Bind an already existent administrator to the organization.
POST /administrator/createadministrator Creates and binds a new administrator to the organization.
GET /administrator/organization/{organizationId} Returns the list of administrators of the organization.
GET /administrator/permission/{administratorId} Gets the list of permission that an administrator has permissions to view/manage/own.
POST /administrator/unbindadministrator Unbind an administrator to the organization.
PATCH /administrator/updatepermission Update the permission for an already existent administrator in the organization.
POST /authenticationserver/userinformation Gets the information on users given their identifier on the organization's authentication server.
POST /favorite/addfavorite Adds a new organization to the user's favorite organization list.
GET /favorite/{userId} Gets the list of favorite organizations of a user.
POST /favorite/removefavorite Removes the organization from the user's favorite organization list.
POST /movement/track/organization Tracks the user movement inside the trackingArea of an organization.
POST /movement/track/place Tracks the user movement inside the trackingArea of a place of an organization.
GET /organization/{organizationId} Gets the available data for a single organization.
GET /organization Returns the list of all organizations.
POST /organization/requestdeletion Sends a deletion request to the system. The request will be examined by Stalker administrators.
PUT /organization Updates one or more properties of an organization.
PATCH /organization/{organizationId}/trackingArea Updates the coordinates of the tracking area of an organization.
POST /place Creates a new place for an organization.
DELETE /place/{placeId} Deletes a place of an organization.
GET /place/organization/{organizationId} Returns the list of places of the organization.
PUT /place Updates one or more properties of a place of an organization.
GET /presence/organization/{organizationId}/counter Gets the number of people currently inside the organization's trackingArea.
GET /presence/place/{placeId}/counter Gets the number of people currently inside the place's trackingArea.
GET /report/place/{placeId} Gets the report of total time spent per user inside the place of an organization.

5.4.2 Model

5.4.3 Authorization bearerAuth

  • Type: HTTP basic authentication